Consulting Services
Project Management
Custom Software Development
Outsourced Executive Management


Our business philosophy is simple: If an undertaking is not beneficial to everyone concerned, it is not worth doing. 

Rotary International's Four Way Test, invented by Herbert J. Taylor, is a perfect example of how we do business:

Of the things we say, think or do...
  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? 

A win-win approach to doing business is not a tired maxim or overused cliché. It is common sense. Would you want to engage in an activity that requires significant amounts of time, expense, and effort if you know that in the end you will lose? Of course not. 

At the same time, could you reasonably expect a strategic partner, customer, vendor, or employee to enter into this kind of arrangement? If you are one of the few people who answers yes to this question, do you feel that you can honestly expect that person to have your best interests in mind or treat you any better than you have treated them? 

Everyone must be dedicated to the success of an undertaking and work together as a cohesive team for it to be truly successful. That is how business relationships are approached at Applied Computer Technology.